Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Test of the Blog, A Test of our Brain. Let's Hope one of them is working.....

I think the blog posts are working but not so sure about the brain.  Bill had set aside these past few days to do much needed things to the motorhome before we take off.  With only a few actual "days off" for him between now and then and many other commitments this was the weekend for those repairs and maintenance. It was also the weekend that it would rain. The first brain malfunction was mine as  I didn't think to take pictures to post.  You decide whose was the second as I don't want to point fingers.   Looking like a man from "Blue Man Group" Bill was wrapped in blue tarps changing the oil. Yes, pictures would have been good but you'll just have to use your imaginations on this one.  

Cleaning out the cubbies of things that don't need to make the 3000 mile trip was next. Both of us knows that the items we took out will be needed along the way and we will be cursing as we lay out good money at some random camper supply place in Whatchmacallit, Utah for something that we have 16 of in our garage at home.  

Next came installing the lights in the cubbies. No worries about electrocution in the rain as they were remote controlled battery operated LED gizmos.  Bill was like a kid last night after out to turn them on and off with his remote and thrilled how well they light up those once dark and menacing cubbies. 

Other important things got done..change the air filter, vacuum out the cubbies (now, because of the lights, you could see how dirty they were even at night!) Generator maintenance, battery maintenance all sort of things like that.   While there are still some projects left to do over the next two days we are comforted by the fact that the sun will be shining for the duration of the maintenance period. Maybe we should have left the oil change until today. I'm just sayin'......

So as we get ready for this trip we are thrilled that you want to join us through our posts here.  I will try not to bore you, try not to proselytize, and try not to post so often that you cringe when you see us in your email "inbox". 

Next post? From somewhere along the way on our next great adventure........

Bill, Jo Ann and RUFUS