Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Older,Wiser,Better......The Disclaimer

The Disclaimer: If you're thinking that this years blog will be better than the one from our last trip, , think again.  (notice how I got a plug in for my last blog which I actually turned into a book. I like to think that it means that I am now an "author"...but I have a friend who really IS an author and her books actually sell to people other than herself. Hers also do not have spelling errors and typos like mine. They also don't ramble on and on with compound sentences. I like to think of myself as a "free-wheeling" author but actually I just don't type very well and need a bit of work, many years of advanced education and, well, talent would be of some benefit to become an honest to goodness real "author".  My point should be well made in this rambling compound parenthetical analysis of my abilities to write. But I digress...)  While we  definitely are OLDER, we may even be WISER that doesn't mean that this one will be BETTER! We have fixed the notebook screen (remember the  screen was destroyed last time) so that I now have no excuse for misspellings and rambling sentences as I can SEE what I am typing.  That doesn't mean that they won't still just means that now I will have no excuse. Not much of a disclaimer is it?

Ok, now with that out of the way we are heading to Yuma, AZ.

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